I love to teach different formats and different levels of students! Everyone is welcome in my classes, no matter what your background, your ability or who you are.
Where & When I Teach
During the pandemic, I began teaching virtual classes online, and I am still doing it to this day! I teach my classes via the Zumba livestream platform, which provides excellent video and audio quality (better than Zoom). And all you have to do is click the link for my class... no software to download or learn.
My complete schedule here: http://kathleenmacnaughton.zumba.com
I also substitute for the regular Zumba and Zumba Gold teachers now and then at the Durango Community Recreation Center.
My Music
My music sticks to the foundation of what Zumba really is, which means I offer a wide variety of Latin, International and world rhythms in my classes, as well as a few oldies, current pop hits, country music, swing or even jazz. I like to take my students on a virtual trip around the world through my choice of music and dance rhythms.
I also tend to choose fun, upbeat or inspirational music. And I am always happy to share the names of songs with you!
My Rates
For my online classes: I charge $3/class on a one-off basis. If you'd like to attend more than one class, you might be interested in one of my packages, which offer a 50 cent discount per class. PLUS, your first in-person class with me is always FREE! Try before you buy!
How to Get My Schedule
It's easy! Just go to my Instructor page on the Zumba website for a current list of all my classes, with links to each. Then follow the directions to register, "sign" the waiver and pay and I'll see you in class!
I teach live streaming classes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10:30AM MT. In these classes, you see me, but I can't see you. However, I CAN and DO chat to you verbally and you can text chat back to me before, during and after class, if you wish.
In addition, I have on-demand, pre-recorded classes available 24-7! You can take those any time that's convenient for YOU!
My complete schedule here: http://kathleenmacnaughton.zumba.com
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© 2012-2021 by Kathi MacNaughton